Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

In your career and your personal life, a perfect smile can be a tool in your arsenal to help you project confidence. If you have stained teeth, a chipped tooth, or an overbite or underbite, you might need the help of a cosmetic dentist to restore your smile. Michael Capio, DDS from Dental Solutions in Marina Del Rey, California is an expert in revitalizing smiles.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Solutions

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized type of dentistry that helps improve the appearance of teeth, usually by using a series of treatments to enhance your smile. Today, dentists have a wide array of tools which can:

  • Whiten your teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Correct underbite or overbite
  • Fill in chipped teeth
  • Replace teeth

If you’re embarrassed by your smile, Dr. Capio can help. His experience in cosmetic dentistry can fix almost any problem with the appearance of your teeth.

Beverages, such as coffee or tea, as well as certain medications,  can stain teeth over time. Dentists use in-office whitening procedures to remove stains and brighten teeth. GLO® teeth whitening is the process Dr. Capio uses, and it’s proven to make teeth an average of five shades whiter.

If you continue to do things which stain your teeth, such as smoking or drinking stain-causing beverages, it’s likely your teeth will become stained again. In that case, you can always return to the office for another whitening treatment.

Bonding is used to cover a tooth to change its shape or to fill in a chipped tooth. Dr. Capio applies an etching solution to the affected teeth, then bonds a tooth-colored material to each tooth’s surface. After the procedure, the teeth blend in with the rest of your smile.

Yes, it will. The process for creating a dental implant involves making a digital impression of your bite. A digital impression is a computer-generated replica of the tissues in your mouth which are captured by lasers and optical scanning devices. The technology is extremely quick, cost-effective, and accurate at depicting what your bite looks like.

Using a digital impression allows Dr. Capio to create a replacement tooth which fits perfectly with the rest of your teeth and your bite. This technology has revolutionized dental replacements and has made implants practically indistinguishable from a patient’s regular teeth.

Both veneers and braces are viable solutions for you to close gaps between teeth. If you have a small gap, veneers usually suffice, as they take much less time and typically cost less.

However, if your condition is severe, you may need braces. Braces deal with anatomical issues in the teeth, such as:

  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Excessive crowding

Whatever your dental issue may be, Dr. Capio has the cosmetic dental expertise you need. Contact Dental Solutions for a consultation.