Teeth Cleaning
You know you should have a dental checkup, but you’re busy, and time just keeps getting away from you. Getting your teeth cleaned twice a year is vital to your dental and overall health. Michael Capio, DDS, from Dental Solutions in Marina Del Rey, California is committed to helping you stay on track with dental visits and teeth cleaning to help you maintain excellent oral health.
Teeth Cleaning
Professional teeth cleanings are a regular part of preventive health care. The cleanings can help prevent cavities, while also allowing the dentist to check for gum disease and oral cancer.
Studies suggest oral bacteria and inflammation from gum disease may play a role in diseases in other parts of the body, such as cardiovascular disease. Periodontitis, a severe gum infection, is linked to premature birth and low birth weight, so it’s vital women who may become pregnant maintain good oral health.
In addition to health benefits, the healthy smile resulting from regular dental care can increase your confidence, personal appearance, and sense of well-being.
A dental hygienist begins the cleaning process by scraping your teeth to remove tartar. Next, a spinning brush cleans the teeth, and then they’re flossed to clean between them. The better oral hygiene you have between appointments, the shorter this process will be. If Dr. Capio requests it, X-rays of your teeth may be taken.
The first appointment for a child usually involves very little dental care, allowing the child and the dentist to get to know each other in a friendly way. If your child is old enough to brush independently, Dr. Capio or someone from his team may ask the child to demonstrate how they brush and floss. This ensures that they’re using proper technique at home between appointments.
A brief cleaning is usually done, and the child’s teeth, gums, and bite are examined. Dr. Capio may advise parents on dental health best practices to make sure good habits are formed. At subsequent appointments, your child will receive a regular teeth cleaning and checkup, as well as fluoride treatments, if needed.
Regular brushing and flossing are both important parts of a proper oral hygiene regimen. You should brush twice per day, floss at least once a day, and use an antibacterial mouthwash daily, if possible. Having a travel toothbrush available during the day is an excellent way to maintain your oral health because brushing after every meal is ideal.
Keeping up to date with your dental cleaning appointments is important. It’s easier to solve dental problems in their earlier stages, so getting your teeth checked every six months helps catch cavities and other issues so they can be treated quickly.