Veneers Specialist
Veneers are commonly used to fix an aesthetic problem with a single tooth, or a gap between two teeth. For teeth that are discolored, either from a root canal or another treatment, a veneer can cover up the problem tooth, restoring the look of the entire smile. You can also use veneers to conceal teeth which are:
- Worn down
- Chipped
- Broken
- Discolored
If your teeth are misaligned or have small gaps between them, veneers can fix minor to moderate problems. Veneers can also be used on the front surfaces of all of your teeth to correct discoloration and give your smile a brighter, consistent look.
Dr. Capio starts by preparing your teeth for the veneer by removing a thin coating of enamel to make room for the veneer. He’ll make a digital impression of the selected tooth or teeth. Using this digital impression, the dental laboratory makes a veneer which perfectly fits the size, shape, and color of your teeth. Veneers are made of composite resin or porcelain, depending on what you’ve chosen. The process usually takes a few weeks, so temporary veneers are placed to cover your teeth during that time.
During your second visit, Dr. Capio places the veneer on the problem tooth and make sure it’s the proper fit and color. He cleans, polishes, and roughens the front surface of problem tooth to prepare it for the attachment process. The veneer is positioned properly and cemented to the tooth. A special light beam activates the cement to secure the veneer in place.
Once Dr. Capio removes all excess cement, your veneer procedure is complete. However, you may have to return within a couple of weeks to determine if your gums are responding negatively to the veneer.
If you’re interested in improving your smile with veneers, contact Dr. Capio at Dental Solutions today. He’ll go through your treatment options so you can find the one which works best for you.